Application for Advanced Hanbali Fiqh





Hanbali Fiqh classes will take place from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm EST every Saturday and 12 pm to 1 pm every Sunday.


Hanbali Fiqh curriculum



 Requirements for entering the program.

 Must be able to read and understand the Arabic text.

 Must be willing to memorize Zaad or its poetry equivalent in the third year.

 Must be willing to participate in group discussions and present a research paper on fiqh issues discussed in class.



Year 1

  • Foundations of the Hanbali madhab – Shaykh Yusuf Sadiq

إعانة لطالب لنيل الرغائب في فقه العبادات على مذهب الإمام الأمثل أحمد بن حنبل - أحمد بن ناصر القعيمي •

  • I’aana litaalib linayl al Ragaa’ib – Shaykh Ahmad bin Nasr al Quyami

- بداية العابد و كفايه الزاهد •

عبد الرحمن بن عبدالله بن أحمد البعلى الحنبلي

  • Bidayah al Abid wa Kifayah al Zahid – shayk Abdur Rahman al Bali

فروع الفقة- لإبن عبد الهادي •

  • Furu al Fiqh – Ibn Abdul Haadi


Year 2

أخصر مختصرات

  • Ahksar Muhktasaraat – ibn Balban (with a detailed explanation to prepared or the study

of Zaad.)


Year 3

زاد المستقنع

  • Zad al Mustaqni


Price; $30/month