Application for Advanced Shafi'i Fiqh




Shafi'i Fiqh classes will take place from 8 pm to 9 pm EST every Monday and 6 pm - 7 pm every Wednesday.





Basic knowledge of Arabic.

Completion of a basic text in Shāfiʿī fiqh, such as الرسالة الجامعة (highly recommended)



الفقه المنهجي على مذهب الإمام الشافعي, by Imams Muṣṭafā Khin, ʿAlī ash-Sharbajī, and Muṣṭafā al-Bughā, which was originally published in eight volumes and is now published in three.

The teacher, Mahdi Lock, is currently translating the entire book and the plan is to publish it in eight volumes.

Volume 1, which covers purification and prayer, has been published and Arkview students have covered about two thirds of it, up to the chapter on the prostration of forgetfulness (سجدة السهو). All the lessons have been recorded.

Time: The rest of Volume 1 shall be covered within 2-3 months, if Allah so wills, 80-100 minutes a week over two sessions. The remaining volumes shall take 30-35 weeks (i.e. one Arkview Academic year), if Allah so wills, each. By the summer of 2027, if Allah so wills, we should be halfway through Volume 4.

N.B. After the completion of Volume 1,  if Allah so wills, there shall be a few sessions on the history and development of the madhhab, including its scholars and books, taken from the book التقريرات السديدة.


 Price: $30/month